Columns prescribed for age, sex and marital status in an official form are usually filled in faithfully and sworn to be true.

Anyone giving false or misleading information about his or her personal details is liable to be taken to task.

Yet Narendra Modi stubbornly refused to disclose details of his marriage with Jashodaben in the nomination forms for previous elections for some obscure reason. It is puzzling why he, for over four decades, ‘disowned’ his wife who has all along wanted nothing more than acknowledgement from him as his wife. People are wondering if there is something really odd about his private life.

Rather than flinching from facing up to the raging controversy over his marital status, Modi must clarify the issue.

As a PM-aspirant, it rests with him to put all the speculation about his personal life to rest and sprint towards the finishing line. However, Modi’s marital status is not an issue that affects the people substantially.

Even though it casts a shadow on his ‘trustworthiness’ and his gender sensitivity, it is not fair to use it to pin him down. He must be deconstructed and taken head on for the brand of politics he represents.

G David Milton


No problem

In connection with the editorial, “Constructive restructuring” (April 11), the Ranbaxy-Sun and Lafarge-Holcim mergers are reasonable and their market share is not so a huge as to invoke the provisions of the Competition Commission of India. Hence the CCI should give the approval.

NR Nagarajan


We know the cement industry operates in cartels. In fact the CCI has already fined the cement majors for acting as a cartel. With these new mergers we are enabling the cartels to become stronger to the disadvantage of consumers. In India we need to build millions of homes every year; for this we need cement at competitive prices.

We cannot allow this at the expense of those who need affordable housing.

CR Arun


If the export unit has more than a proportionate share of its sales abroad, its dominance is to be viewed on a different footing. If such dominance is to be judged it has to be dealt with by a specifically created international body. As far as a domestic regulator is concerned, it may assess the dominance as to how far it is “systemically important” in the modest market

KU Mada


Balanced appraisal

“The fable of ‘India First’” by Chandrahas Choudhury (April 11) is a balanced and level-headed appraisal of the BJP’s poll manifesto. In addition to what the writer said about India First, it could also mean putting the country first always.

The words ‘Cricket Australia’ or ‘Tennis Australia’ have a distinct and instant impact on the listeners. When the country comes first, ideology, family, individual and everything else take second place. This may be read in the context of Congress party members’ tendency to equate a family or individuals with the party and sometimes with the nation.

CG Kuriakose

Kothamangalam, Kerala

Shocker from Mulayam

The Samajwadi party chief Mulayam Singh has questioned the death sentence for those convicted in the Shakti Mills gang rape case. Strangely, he says “they are boys and they make mistakes”! The question is, would he have kept quiet if something like this happened to a girl in his family?

S Ramakrishnasayee


Mulayam Singh seems to have gone bonkers with his remarks. That the statements were made at an election rally only proves his arrogance and it is incredible that he got away with it scot-free, especially at a time when the whole country is up in arms against sexual offenders.The electorate should give him a fitting reply in the polls and ensure that politicians of his ilk do not find a place in civilised society.

NJ Ravi Chander
